community of christ

Leeds Church Group

Welcome to our Church Group


Are you looking for a church home?

Do you think a church has to be a building where people sit in rows listening to a minister? 

Have you ever considered the advantages of a more informal church home?

We used to meet once a month in homes in Leeds rather than in a church building. This enabled us to have a more relaxed and less formal style of worship service.

Because of the covid lockdowns, we changed to meeting online using Zoom. We found this worked for us so we have continued meeting online, while still keeping our informal house church style of worship.

Are you are looking to worship in the more relaxed setting of your own home. We find meeting together online in a small friendly group provides an environment where each person can come as they are, can feel accepted and valued. 

Our Meetings

We want our meetings to be a place where you feel you belong, where you are valued and loved and are able to deepen your relationship with God and Jesus.

We try to make our meetings informal. Everyone has a chance to participate if they want to. By sharing our faith journey together, we seek to come closer to God.

If you want more information about our meetings, go to our Meetings Page.

Who Are We?

We belong to a church called the Community of Christ which is a worldwide organisation.

We have a number of groups in the UK which include congregations, house churches and on-line groups. We are one of the on-line groups.

If you want to know more about Community of Christ, go to our About Us page.

If you want join one of our meetings or just want to know more, then please contact us using the details on our Contact Page.

Worship Resources

Some worship resources that we use have been written by our group leader. We have made these available on the Worship Resources section of our website. You may use these resources for non-profit activities such as worships, subject to the conditions outlined on that page.