(In the book ‘Multi-sensory Prayer’ (see snippets) there is a fruit meditation where you use pieces of fresh fruit. I wanted to do something similar but without the need to use fresh fruit. This is my version of a fruit meditation).
Jesus said, ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If a person remains in me and I in them, they will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.’
What fruit will you bear?
Think about different fruits and how many there are. Grapes, apples, bananas, strawberries, peaches, pineapples, ugli fruit, kiwi fruit.
They have different colours, different shapes, different tastes. There are so many different types. Yet all of them are all still fruits.
Just like these fruits, the fruits you bear in your life will also be different to others. But that doesn’t mean yours fruits are any more or less important or they are of more or less value.
So think now for a minute about the sorts of fruit you might bear.
Perhaps you think you don’t have any fruit. But just think what you have to offer, maybe it’s providing a listening ear, being willing to offer a helping hand, offering a word of encouragement.
Think about the sorts of fruit you might bear.
Now think what would happen if you just left fruit in the cupboard? It would dry up and go mouldy. It would go to waste. Is this what is happening with your fruits. Your fruits are not meant to be hidden and unused. Are you neglecting your fruits, keeping them hidden? Are there fruits in your life that you need to take out of the cupboard and use?
Now think about using that fruit. Think about its taste and how eating it, it will be refreshing. Think about how it will provide the nourishment needed to support your body.
What can you do with your fruits to refresh someone’s life, what can you do to give them the support they need? Think of how your fruit can make a difference, think about who you can share your fruit with.
Let God prompt you, let Him help you see the fruits you have and how you can use them.