Leeds Church Group

Worship Resources

No Room


A Christmas reading.

1: The time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her first born, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn.
1: No room for them in the inn
2: No room for them
1: No room
2: No.
1: We’re full up
2: Overflowing
1: Packed out
2: Residually volumetrically challenged
1: In fact
2: I’ve no room.
1: Please go away, you’re not my problem
2: This is nothing to do with me
1: Stop looking at me like that
2: I have no room.
1: Its not my fault you’re homeless
2: Its the fault of the census
1: Its the fault of the government
2: Its the fault of the regulations
1: Its the fault of market forces
2: But I’ve still
1: No room
2: No room
1: Try going to the council
2: Try the citizens advice bureau
1: Try phoning Shelter
2: Try anyone
1: But me.
2: I’m sorry
1: I apologise
2: I regret
1: I’ve no room
2: No room.

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