This section contains readings written by our group leader for use in our worships. You may use any of these for personal use or in worship services subject to the conditions on the main resource page.
- Fruit MeditationFruit Meditation based on ‘If a person remains in me and I in them, they will bear much fruit’.
- Reading With Christmas CandleA reading with a Christmas Candle.
- No RoomA Christmas reading about no room at the inn.
- Brick MeditationA communion meditation based on bricks
- Father Forgive ThemReading about forgiveness
- Jesus Turned And Looked At PeterA reading based on Luke 22:61.
- Bread and WineThoughts on bread and wine at communion.
- God So LovedA reading based on John 3 16.
- Yes or NoA reading asking if we want to follow Jesus.
- Without LoveThis reading is based on extracts from the 12th and 13th chapter of Corinthians.
- Prayer IsThis is a reading exploring what prayer can be.
- Truth and MercyA reading about Jesus and his teachings.
- VisionA reading about how we need a vision of what we are called to be.
- Take Hold of my HandA reading reminding us of how Jesus is reaching out to us.
- Washing FeetA reading imagining Jesus washing our feet.
- ZacchaeusA reading for two based on the story of Zacchaeus.