Leeds Church Group

Worship Resources

Yes or No


Think if you want to say Yes to Jesus
Yes he lets you choose.
No threats, no pressure, just an invitation in love
It’s up to you
You can say yes or no

Think of his disciples when they said yes.
They could have made excuses
Their lack of education, their status, their common speech.
Jesus didn’t take excuses, just gave a choice, say yes or carry on fishing.
When he asks you yes or no
Do you make excuses, do you want to carry on as you are?
You can say yes or no.

When the disciples said yes, Jesus led them.
He didn’t just talk about God, he didn’t organise seminars,
He lived God’s will, He did God’s will. He led by actions.
Saying yes means living, doing, acting.
Is this for you?
You can say yes or no.

Then he had to leave his disciples,
But they were not left alone and helpless.
He left them his spirit, he left them each other, he left his promises.
Saying yes doesn’t mean struggling on your own
You have his spirit, his church, his promises.
You can say yes or no

How will he ask you?
A burning bush, a voice from the clouds – doubtful.
A text, an email – probably not.
A gentle prompting, a word of scripture, a thought in a service – more likely.
He will ask you, but will you be listening?
What will you answer?
You can say yes or no.

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